Quality, Environmental and Sustainability Policy
In Neotex we have defined a Quality, Environment and Sustainability Policy with which we assume the commitment of continuous improvement, to generate trust in our current and future customers. We also intend to respond to the new challenge of sustainability, integrating social, environmental and good governance aspects in our management. The company is designing its governance model and structure in this regard.
We are going to promote responsible policies among the company’s human team, to stimulate the preservation of the environment and the development of a fairer and more respectful society.
Our commitments:
Supply textile products and services, foams for seats and galley equipment, complying with the contractual requirements of customers, with the legal and regulatory requirements imposed by the applicable authorities and by the international standard ISO 9001.
We define and plan efficient and effective processes to address new opportunities, minimize risks and offer quality, compliant, safe and satisfactory products and services for the client, carrying out adequate management of their environmental aspects.
We continuously seek to increase the effectiveness of our quality management system to achieve better results and prevent negative effects.
We are seeking to:
- Be neutral in greenhouse gas emissions of the company in a period not exceeding 5 years.
- Continue reducing own consumption of water and energy.
- Ensure the preparation and commitment of talent by being a benchmark company with a value proposition for employees.
- Focus the company’s governance framework on the new context of sustainability.
- Maintain active communication with stakeholders. Employees, shareholders and customers.
- Guarantee responsible and transparent taxation.
- Have a supply chain with most critical suppliers formally committed to sustainability.
Our goal:
Work at the level set by the legislation and standards that affect us and ensure that our products comply with the UNE-EN 9100:2018 standard, the recommendations and requirements of the applicable authorities, the procedures, regulations, customer specifications and good practices that in each case affect them. Neotex’s procedures will be modified as dictated by successive revisions of the standard.
In Neotex we are committed to preventing pollution and to providing the material and human resources necessary to achieve the objectives set in the manufacture of our products and in the management and control of their environmental aspects.
We work on our environmental responsibility by:
• Reduction of the negative impact on the environment.
• Reduction of waste levels and their proper management.
• Reduction of energy consumption to achieve more sustainable daily operations.
• Improved efficiency by reducing the costs of the company’s activities.
This Quality, Environment and Sustainability Policy is disseminated to all levels of the company, as well as to all interested parties seeking their knowledge, understanding and acceptance, providing all the necessary resources for its achievement.
The revision of this Quality, Environment and Sustainability Policy is carried out in the annual reviews of the system by the Management of the Department of Quality and Environment.